Saturday, May 31, 2008

Post Numero Uno

Well, I am finally jumping into the terrifying world of online journaling. I have no idea where to begin except by addressing you, my anonymous reader, with hopes that what I share with you may hold some value, humor, or comfort in the future.

If not, well, does it matter? I don't really think so.

Most of what I'm sharing is simply to update whoever has an interest in my studies/adventures this summer at Oxford. However, I hope that I will continue to share my thoughts with you, anonymous reader, long after.

So, thank you for taking an interest. I'll try to be honest and concise as I type out words to an unresponsive audience. (Anyone who's ever received a voicemail from me knows that I can go on indefinitely if not interrupted. I hate that stupid voice that tells me I only have 10 seconds left.) Anyhow, please forgive all the rambling that most definitely will follow. I's who I am...I'm not going to fight it, but rather embrace it. Consider yourself warned.

"Don't just stand there. How do I get off?"

(I also speak in old movie quotes at times, just so you know. A translation into layman's terms would be: I don't know how to end this...) you go.

I'll be back.
