Saturday, May 31, 2008

Post Numero Uno

Well, I am finally jumping into the terrifying world of online journaling. I have no idea where to begin except by addressing you, my anonymous reader, with hopes that what I share with you may hold some value, humor, or comfort in the future.

If not, well, does it matter? I don't really think so.

Most of what I'm sharing is simply to update whoever has an interest in my studies/adventures this summer at Oxford. However, I hope that I will continue to share my thoughts with you, anonymous reader, long after.

So, thank you for taking an interest. I'll try to be honest and concise as I type out words to an unresponsive audience. (Anyone who's ever received a voicemail from me knows that I can go on indefinitely if not interrupted. I hate that stupid voice that tells me I only have 10 seconds left.) Anyhow, please forgive all the rambling that most definitely will follow. I's who I am...I'm not going to fight it, but rather embrace it. Consider yourself warned.

"Don't just stand there. How do I get off?"

(I also speak in old movie quotes at times, just so you know. A translation into layman's terms would be: I don't know how to end this...) you go.

I'll be back.



Two Guys Good Health said...

if you could title all your posts with spanish numbers, that would be fabulous! i'm looking forward to the Oxford updates and long after.

there went anonymity.

Anna Wetzel said...

I am so excited you started a blog! I think your rambling will be delightful and witty and hilarious. So far it has made me laugh out loud.

1. In your first post, second sentence I read, in my haste, "value" and "humor" as one hybrid word: "valor." And so for that split second I found myself thinking, 'what more qualities should a human strive for, than value, humor, and valor?!'
2. I was hoping the youtube clip was going to be of you singing.

amanda. said...

i love your never-ending voicemails.

im going to miss them this summer.
