Friday, August 1, 2008

numero 7... whole...complete...finished?

I meant to write a new post fairly soon after that last one so I wouldn't lose too many friends over my supposed insanity... whoops. Oh well. If a little photoshopping/children's-fantasy-novels/...? scared you away... wait you're still reading my posts. Never mind then, back to business.

What all have you missed out on? A lot of Shakespeare and the Bodleian... and coffee/writing. I saw A Midsummer Night's Dream the other day and went to Twelfth Night the following evening (next week I see my professors in the Merry Wives of Windsor). They were both performed outside, but Midsummer had several stages and puck led us from one to the next throughout the play. I'd never seen or read Midsummer before... and I loved it!!!! At the end, I was laughing so hard - I cried (that's how amazing it was). Twelfth Night was good/interesting, but to be perfectly honest (is it ok if I do that?) I liked KU's production better. The Sir Andrew completely botched all of his lines (I barely laughed and those are some of my favorite comedic lines) and I didn't like their interpretation of Maria either. She was a bimbo (who also seemed to be trying to seduce everyone... even Sir Andrew). The Olivia was incredible though, and Malvolio was hilarious as well.

This weekend I've planned to take a small hike with another girl to the ruins of an abbey. Then next week the English students are going to Bath. I'd like to try to take another trip into the country, but I'm not sure when that will work out. I fly back to the States next Saturday. I'm excited to see you (shot in the dark, but if you're reading this... we're probably friends and I probably miss you), but I'm not ready to leave. There's so much to do. I guess I'll just have to come back. Now I just need to find a good justification for that. Hmmm...?

In case you haven't noticed, this is post number 7. Seven is often used to signify completeness or wholeness in texts rather than an actual quantity. That would mean my blog is finally whole (thank goodness). Apparently, this is where I'll stop my travel blog unable to carry on with another post beyond a perfection such as 7... or beyond the average number of posts for a travel blog. Will I break the barricade of 7? Tune in next week...

1 comment:

scott said...

ah, but what a journey it was...